Fine Senna Rug - Pastel Sky Blue
Fine Senna Rug - Iran
Size:1.63 x 1.26( 5.4ft x 4.2ft )
Age : 20yrs
Perfect Condition
Wool and cotton
Free International Shipping
The town of Senna is located in north-east Iran and is the source of some of the best known kurdish carpets and kilims.
Commonly there is an endless repeat of floral pattern or 'Botehs ' or beehives, or occasionally there is a single central medallion which is then surrounded by these floral, boteh or beehive motifs. The rugs tend to be small in size and colours on the whole are soft blue, reddish pink and white. Cotton is generaly used for the warps rather than wool and the wefts are often fine wool or occasionally metal or silk. Senna has the reputation for some of the finest rugs and kilims produced in Iran.